Structure your inbox

ChatInbox is a revolutionary email app that organizes messages in your inbox across multiple dimensions, giving you greater control over the information in your inbox.

Chat-Style Inbox

Dive into a unique email experience where each message is smartly linked with its sender and recipients.

Tagging System

Tag and subtag your emails to organize them on a Kanban board, enabling visual tracking of their various states.

Data Modeling

Excel in modeling and extracting this data to create visual and statistical representations, turning your inbox into a dynamic database.

Contact Groups

Effortlessly categorize contacts into customizable groups to declutter your inbox and streamline your email navigation.

Markdown Editor

Elevate your email composition with Markdown support to style your messages with ease.

Privacy First

As a pure client, your email data never leaves your device, ensuring complete privacy.


Chat-style email organization

Dive into a unique email experience where each message is smartly linked with its sender and recipients. With ChatInbox, you no longer sift through a messy inbox. Instead, you interact with a clean, conversation-style interface where every email thread mirrors a chat conversation, showcasing the most recent message upfront and a neatly arranged history of past messages.


Advanced tagging system

Tag and subtag your emails, and organize them on a Kanban board, enabling visual tracking of their various states. This method not only keeps your messages neatly arranged but also enhances interactivity and simplifies management.


Message editing with markdown

Seamlessly control the styling of your message text using Markdown syntax, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted editing experience without the need to manually adjust formatting.


Contact group management

Effortlessly categorize contacts into customizable groups. For instance, create a 'Travel' group to consolidate all communications from airlines, hotels, and travel agencies. This feature ensures that related messages are neatly filed under their respective groups, decluttering your inbox and streamlining your email navigation.